Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Error when trying to change server settings

I am trying to connect to a SQL Server machine using SQL security instead of integrgated security. However, the server was setup initially to use only integrated security. When I right click on the server and select properties, I get this error:

Error 0: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 5(Access is denied.).

I googled this error but could not find a single solution. The dll will not register with regsvr32. Do I need to repair SQL Server and then re-run the latest service pack, or is there a simple solution?

Thanks,Books Online

How to set up Mixed Mode security (Enterprise Manager)
To set up Mixed Mode security

Expand a server group.

Right-click a server, and then click Properties.

Click the Security tab.

Under Authentication, click SQL Server and Windows.

Under Audit level, select the level at which user accesses to Microsoft® SQL Server? are recorded in the SQL Server error log:
None causes no auditing to be performed.

Success causes only successful login attempts to be audited.

Failure causes only failed login attempts to be audited.

All causes successful and failed login attempts to be audited.

See Also

Authentication Modes

Does that help?|||Thanks. I understand how to setup mixed mode security, but the problem appears to be a dll called xpstar.dll which throws an error when I right click on the server icon and select properties. I wanted to know if there was a fix for this short of reinstalling.

When I right click on the server icon in server explorer and select properties, I get this error:

Error 0: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 5(Access is denied.).

I googled this error but could not find a single solution. The dll will not register with regsvr32. Do I need to repair SQL Server and then re-run the latest service pack, or is there a simple solution?|||No answers, just questions.

What version & service pack of SQL Server are you running?

Have you checked the event log to see if you can find any further information?

Terri|||Hello Terri,

It is SQL Server 2000 and should have service pack 3 installed.

There are no errors in the event log related to SQL Server.|||Is there anything in the SQL Server Logs?

Terri|||Unfortunately not.

Also, I reapplied Service Pack 3 and it did not fix the problem.

I have SQL on a development machine. If I right click on the local server instance and then select properties, the Server properties dialog appears. If I select the server, I get an error. At first, I thought it was the development machine, but unfortunately the same thing happens when I try this directly on the server. I am at a loss of what to do short of backing up the databases, uninstalling SQL, reinstalling SQL, and then restoring the databases. The SQL installation does not have a repair option - do you know what would happen if I installed SQL over the existing SQL?


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