Sunday, February 26, 2012

Error Updating Installed Files

Well I need to know HOW TO REMOVE MANUALLY every pieace of the Database Services for my SQL Server Express CTP previous installation because the final release won't let me update this Database Services, any suggestion besides removing manually the services? thank you all

You should be able to remove the CTP from the Add/Remove Programs window, have you tried that? Add/Remove is the only way to uninstall SQL Server.


Mike Wachal


yes I removed it first that way but the same problem, I googled a bit and I found that removing the whole directory I could solve this and I did it also deleted some registry keys that I dont remember which one ups anyway I guess the problem was the SQL Server directory thanks


Good to hear you've gotten it figured out, thanks for posting back to the forum.

- Mike



When I tried to install the SQL Server 2005 version I got the following error

The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Updating Installed Files. The error is: Fatal error during installation.

Can you please let me know how did you resolved this error.

Funny thing is I have nothing installed on the box except IIS(Internet Information Services) still getting this error. When I google it looks like all the people who face this error because they have beta installations on their boxes.

Thanks in Advance. Your reply may helps me a lot.


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