Sunday, February 26, 2012

Error using configurations files

I wanted to add all my configurations/vairbles in a config file, so I’d tried to use the Package Configuration Organizer, to create and enable package configurations…

If I want the config to contain information regarding on of my connection manageres, the package fails during test, with the following msg:

Information: 0x40016041 at OrcaleToSQLServer: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "BDK_LABasedataDTS_config.dtsConfig".

SSIS package "OrcaleToSQLServer.dtsx" starting.

Information: 0x4004300A at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Error: 0xC0202009 at OrcaleToSQLServer, Connection manager "XXXXX.xxxx": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Der opstod en eller flere fejl ved en OLE DB-handling p? flere trin. Kontroller alle OLE DB-statusv?rdier. Handlingen blev ikke udf?rt.".

Error: 0xC020801C at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, OLE DB Source to Orcale [1]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "LASYS.lakig" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

Error: 0xC0047017 at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLE DB Source to Orcale" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

Error: 0xC004700C at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.

Error: 0xC0024107 at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server: There were errors during task validation.

SSIS package "OrcaleToSQLServer.dtsx" finished: Failure.

Translation Danish line:

Der opstod en eller flere fejl ved en OLE DB-handling p? flere trin. Kontroller alle OLE DB-statusv?rdier. Handlingen blev ikke udf?rt -> One or more errors regarding a OLE DB-action on serveral steps. Check all OLE DB-statevalues… the action was not carried out..

See if there's anything here for you:|||


I got it working, by ading a password to the connection string... and by disregarding all properties for at that connection manager, and just sticking to the connection string...

Your link was most helpful, thx.

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